Carbon Tax creates smarter, more sustainable supply chains.

Carbon Tax creates smarter, more sustainable supply chains.
The Malaysian government's intention to introduce a carbon tax is a positive step in the right direction for the nation in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. A carbon tax will drive the environment, social and governance (ESG) agenda, sustainability is certainly a key focus in the Budget 2023 proposals.
Not only will this hasten the need for businesses to reduce emissions but can be a source of revenue which can then help subsidize other areas of the overall green agenda.
It’s evident that digital transformation is changing the way we do business. Enterprises have moved from gathering data to aggregating it, categorizing it, and creating insights that inform business processes in real time.
Enterprises today no longer require massive R&D budgets to achieve scale: instead, they focus on quickly prototyping solutions and turning them into scalable software platforms that can be easily adapted to a company’s unique needs.
By modernising and simplifying your supply chain, DespaQ helps reduce your carbon footprint. We do this by eliminating paper and increasing payment automation in addition to building more transparency and resilience into your supply chains. We are committed to helping you understand new tax regulations and prepare for the consequences of these regulations.
Our goal is to be a trusted advisor in planning and shaping your supply chain strategy, so we can help you strengthen your competitive position tomorrow.